By Laura Norman
Special to The Pineapple
I love to listen to my rock ‘n roll favorites. Remember the Beach Boys’ classic, “Good Vibrations?” Whenever I listen to that song, I feel great and life is wonderful! The Beach Boys were way ahead of their time. Quantum physicists have now proven that like vibrations attract, so staying in a positive vibrational zone ensures we will continue to attract and create more of the same! See more HERE
February 28, 2013 @ 3:28 PM
FEBRUARY 28, 2013
There's no doubt that treatments for infertility and subfertility can be emotionally exhausting, highly stressful, and also very expensive. It's estimated that one in six couples face issues when trying for a baby – and the number having problems conceiving is growing.
There can be many reasons that may hamper falling pregnant, but often women find themselves in the frustrating situation of not being given any specific cause for their conception issues, despite the various medical tests and assessment they have undergone. Understandably this can cause great stress and a Catch-22 situation: a pregnancy won't occur until you relax, which is nearly impossible because you'...
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December 23, 2011 @ 3:50 PM
Sign up for our Wellness newsletter to receive more indepth information about reflexology as well as other general wellness tips.
Just go to the Wellness newsletter page and sign up!
Through the newsletter we also offer gifts and discounts so stay tuned!
Mitta and Sara
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September 15, 2011 @ 12:45 PM
Reflexologists Across America And The Globe Celebrate World Reflexology Week soon.
Since first being established by the International Council of Reflexologists in 1998, World Reflexology Week has been celebrated by Reflexologists in many States and countries, the last full week of September each year. Even the Governors of Hawaii and Washington have proclaimed World Reflexology Week!
Reflexology has so many benefits... please see our page: Reflexology Information
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September 12, 2011 @ 11:03 AM
Despite the global economic downturn, Reflexology proves to be recession-proof. As stress levels are spiralling upwards, the need for stress relief has never been greater.
If you are lucky enough to already be a Reflexologist, now is the time to get out there and make yourself well known in your community.
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August 19, 2011 @ 1:29 AM
Hi this is Sara and Mitta welcoming you to our 1 Way to Wellness blog! Here you will find wellness tips on everything about reflexology and more. We are excited to bring our knowledge and helpful advice to you. In addition, sign up for our newsletter which will keep informed on upcoming events and information.
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