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Your Holistic Health Care


Abundance Coaching using Setting Goals, Visualization, Guided Imagery and Meditation, manifestation exercises, TAT or EFT


Are you one of those people who feel that your thoughts or attitude are holding you back from financial success?

Imagine what your life would look like if you had a skill or technique that would help you fulfill your life’s dreams!

Do you give yourself some time for yourself every day?

Do you feel free to pursue your dreams?

Do you enjoy your work?

Do you live in abundance and prosperity with confidence in yourself?

 Do you live your full potential?


If you are standing in the absence of something you want, you must find a way to feel the essence of it, even before it comes...Find a way to feel the satisfaction of your currently unrealized dreams before those dreams can become a reality. When you are willing to offer the vibration of wealth and abundance prior to the manifestation then abundance comes freely...


One aspect of helping abundance manifest in your life is by addressing your inner life. Go inside yourself and access your inner wealth.’ Find a way to change what money means to you on a deep unconscious level, so your automatic responses relating to it can change and so you wont go right back to your old habits. Be aware of old patterns and habits and reprogram your mind. Explore your current habits.


“Remember, you are a living magnet...

what you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts”




Mitta is an RN and Holistic Practitioner originally from NZ and practicing in Los Angeles: 

Reflexology, Hypnotherapy, TAT, EFT, Stress management, Wellness Coaching, Talent Enhancement, Abundance Visualizations and Coaching, Stop Smoking, Finding your path, Guided Meditation, Self-Hypnosis. She has been in private practice for 15 years and is always involved in helping the community and working with non-profits. 

Visualization for Abundance program

A  4 session  indepth visualization program custom designed for your success.

We'll take areas of interest to you, design visualizations around those areas and go deeply into visualizing them.

You'll also be an expert at visualization and take the tools home to use for a lifetime!

Learn abundant thinking and bring abundance into your life.


4 guided customized visualizations

Learn self hypnosis (optional)

Learn either EFT (Emotional Freedom Techiques) or TAT (Tapas Acupressure Techique)  (optional)

**One session Abundance is also available

Call Mitta at 818-720-9802